If you go to a fancy enough restaurant, you might find recommended food and beverage pairings. This is because the right pairing can elevate a meal. It can make eating the meal a truly memorable experience. I don't know anything about drinks, so maybe a specific drink could enhance a book, but I do know a lot about music. I'm thinking about how a specific song paired with a book, like a beverage with a meal, could place the story in the right atmosphere and enhance it, make the experience that much more memorable. I'm here to tell you my pairing for my book Raising Women. If you want a more enhanced, accurate experience reading Raising Women, listen to Artemas's "i like the way you kiss me." And watch the music video. At the end of September I blogged about my weird process for making mixes (not drinks - also, not the same as a playlist). In that blog post, I talked about what makes mixes and playlists different, and also the extensive process I go through to make them. Anyway, all that's to say is that I've also got a mix full of VIBES for RAISING WOMEN! Whether you've read any of the stories in Raising Women or not, it's a solid mix (although if you've read the book, you'll "get it"). Songs Include: 1. Caffeine - Jack Kays 2. It's Called: Freefall - Rainbow Kitten Surprise 3. i like the way you kiss me - Artemas 4. ...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift 5. dirty little secret - Artemas 6. Broadripple is Burning - Margot and the Nuclear So & So's 7. # Grownupz - Fein 8. Girls Like Girls - Hayley Kiyoko 9. Lunch - Billie Eilish 10. It Gets Better - fun. 11. If You're Gonna Lie - FLETCHER 12. Detroit - Badflower 13. Where Is My Mind? - Pixies 14. Anthems for a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl - Broken Social Scene Go check it out. It's available both on Spotify *and* Youtube to listen to! SPOTIFY YOUTUBE And if you haven't read Raising Women yet, check it out here. If you were to pair your favorite book with a song, a song that enhanced the book, which song would you choose?
In a previous post, "5 Ways to Create Visceral Images in Writing," I briefly talk about my experience with synesthesia. I knew when I wrote about it though that I'd eventually want to dive into it more, and talk about how it impacts the things I make. I'm going to get really nerdy now about how I experience synesthesia, and how I use it to make mix CDs.
Synesthesia is when someone experiences one of their senses through another (like tasting colors or seeing sounds). I have grapheme-color synesthesia. This is when someone associates a color with a symbol such as letters and/or numbers. For example, the letter e is a dark, navy blue for me. The number one is a very pale yellow, close to white. The name Justin is a blue (although can sometimes be a green depending on last name). I don’t know why these things are what they are, they just are (and the colors associated may be different for different people). I also have chromesthesia where I see colors when I hear sounds. I have minds-eye synesthesia though. This means that I only know the colors when I think about them; I don't actually see rooms full of colors when I hear or read things. Experiencing words and sounds with colors though does impact the words I choose when writing, or the songs I put on my mixes. I’ve noticed that my synesthesia affects the things I read and write. I find that I especially love books or stories or poems that use words with strong colors, and when all of the words in the piece tend to lean toward a cohesive color scheme (like the story tends to use words with colors that create a black, red, and silver color scheme or a variety of navies and purples). This probably isn’t anything the writer’s thinking about when they do it, and even if they were thinking about it, they probably weren’t writing words that fit the same colors I see, BUT when it works for me, it really works for me. In this post though, I'm going to focus more on my chromesthesia, and how I use it to make (really great) mix CDs. Listen, I'm eighty years old and I don't have a smart phone, still use an iPod, and still listen to CDs. I also still make mixes (CDs, not to be confused with drinks), and I take great pride in the craft that goes into them. I'm going to clarify how I define a mix though because I consider mixes to be different than playlists. Playlist - A playlist is a bunch of songs grouped together so they can be listened to at the same time. They can follow the same theme, they can just be what someone's into at the time, whatever. There's no rhyme or reason as to which songs get added to a playlist. Mix - A mix is an art. A mix is very intentional, and songs on the mix are put on there because they convey a certain meaning. Additionally, mixes flow. I want listeners to finish a mix of mine and understand that it was a curated, seamless piece. And I will clarify, a mix doesn't have to be on a CD - it's about the songs on it, the order they're in, etc. It's about the process of putting it together, not the format the songs are in/on. My mixes, at minimum, take hours, although usually they take weeks, and often can take months to finish. It is a lot of work deciding on the songs that work thematically, and use sounds that work together. This is where my chromesthesia comes in. It's especially helpful paying attention to the songs' colors because the colors identify if the songs will flow from one to another. Like, it's really hard for me to feel confident about a mix that has bright red songs, sky blue songs, purple songs, and yellow songs. Don't get me wrong - usually, any one song has a few colors going on it, BUT there's a general color or vibe that it has, and the majority (if not all) of the other songs need to have overlapping color similarities in them for me to feel good about the mix. Here's a mix I feel very confident in: We Are Here 1. Just Saying - Jamie xx 2. Mind on Fire - Aisha Badru 3. She Burns - Foy Vance 4. First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes 5. Honey - Sir Sly 6. Meet Me At Our Spot - THE ANXIETY, WILLOW, Tyler Cole 7. Can't Help Falling Love (cover) - Twenty One Pilots 8. Sparks - Fleurie 9. Crystaline - JOME 10. Carry You - Novo Amor 11. Seaside - Haux 12. Just Saying - Jamie xx We start with Jamie xx's "Just Saying" which has a dark feel to it - it's black with some dark greens and other-color highlights. It feels like a night in the forest. This transitions into "Mind on Fire" which is similarly breathy and dark - a perfect transition. It feels like they were meant to go together. The ending paces well into "She Burns." "She Burns" is a different color though - a light blue and light brown. It woks okay though because of the easy transition between the two, and because that brown isn't too far off from the black in the previous song. Now that "She Burns" has lightened the colors up a little, it makes it easier to move into the next Bright Eyes song, which is a yellow and brown. These browns feel a little classic, which is different than the moody breathy beginning, but the color changes (from darker to lighter) work with the lyric changes (as the lyrics in each song get more hopeful). Bright Eyes moves into Sir Sly's "Honey" which brings us back to some black shades, but also some yellow (which transitions nicely from First Day's browns and yellows). This song ends with some bright colors splashed on blacks and moves into "Meet Me At Our Spot" which has pops of bright colors. Our acoustic Twenty One Pilot's cover is then a brown and yellow shade, which helps the pops of yellow from the previous song transition. We're back to some darker hues in "Sparks", but again - those pops of brighter colors. That seems to be a large connector through most of these songs. "Crystalline" is a little more colorful. There are some subtle pinks and purples in it, but there is still an underlying shade of brown/black. "Carry You" is lighter. It's a light blue, but it has silver and yellow highlights in it. This moves into "Seaside" which is a beautiful light blue and silver. It's breathy though. We then end back with "Just Saying" which, isn't the same color, but breathy still. I feel really good about this mix because many songs have primarily black bases, with pops of colors that are then mirrored in other songs without black bases. Many of the songs have an airy, breathy element to them, and we flow nicely between tempos. Beside considering colors, I also have to consider pacing. You can't have too many slow songs in a row, or fast songs with competing beats. I also always make sure that I include a few songs that I knew the person I'm making the mix for likes. This is so, in case they don't know songs on the mix and start to zone out, I can bring them back in with things they like. I typically make sure song 3-ish is a song I know the person likes, and then another few spread throughout. I try to keep my mixes between 12-14 songs. So to sum up, when I make mixes, I consider:
The worst is when there's a song that's perfect in meaning but you have to cut it because sound-wise it just. doesn't. work. Ugh. RIP to some songs that got cut for the betterment of the mix as a whole (although when I do this, the mix is usually a knockout after. It just sucks. I spend hours trying to find where to put it in the mix so it will work, and then I kill it anyway). This is why making a mix is a very in-depth process (for me, anyway), and very different from a playlist (of which I have many! I listen to a lot of playlists at the gym where I just have songs on them that I want to listen to). My mixes are an art and, like I said, take up to months to finish. It's so satisfying to finish one though that hits just right and flows perfect. Not all of them are perfect. Sometimes I settle on a song or two that isn't hitting how it needs to, but I can't figure out what to replace it with. They can't all be knockouts I guess. Haha. Anyway, this probably sounds wild, BUT I swear it’s a thing, and it’s an element of how I, personally, find writing and music that feel concise. In the near future, I'll be sharing the mix I made for Raising Women. It incorporates both plot elements and vibes and does so with some beautiful color transitions. If you've gotten to this point in me rambling about the weird colors I "see", then you might appreciate my mix for the book a little more. Keep an eye out! |
I'm Shannon Waite and I write stories about norms, characters who break norms, and society's wounds. They're always contemporary, often transgressive.
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